The real flex is keeping your heart soft but your boundaries strong

When we are healing from our past, unprocessed pain resurfaces. The direction of where we let this old pain take us is crucial for successful healing. Recognizing and feeling it all is important, but we should be careful not to lose ourselves in it completely.

Learning and upgrading our boundaries is good. Settling for narratives rooted in painful experiences as “ultimate truths” is less beneficial. It will keep us stuck and block our soul’s expansion.

The remedy is to validate and accept the pain we are in, at each moment and time, while also consciously reminding ourselves of our own and other’s infinity.

It is possible to consciously decide that “this is what I am experiencing right now. I will let it shape my rules for what I allow (for myself and others) but I won’t let it become my entire understanding of the world. I consciously choose that my evolution will continue. Beyond the current experience that I am having – even if I feel otherwise right now!”.

This is a very hard part of healing. Go look at the world and you will see that most people will let their pain make them bitter, angry and cynical for the rest of their lives. That is why the real flex is keeping your heart soft but your boundaries strong.


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